1998 Kingston Ontario Electric Fun-Fly
July 1, 1998
On June 27 and 28, Martin Irvine and the Kingston Radio-Control club hosted their annual electric fun-fly. This was my first year attending this event. My wife Lori came along too, since we were on our way to the Ottawa area on some horse-related business. Lori took some excellent pictures of the fun-fly, which I’ve reproduced below (warning, these pictures all involve me and/or my planes to some extent). Click on a picture if you want to see it larger.
A big thank you to Martin Irvine and the Kingston Radio Control Modellers for putting on a fine fun-fly. They have a great site, with a well groomed grass field in a very secluded area, a nice club-house, and a large shady veranda. I’m hoping I’ll be able to go again next year.
A note on the quality of the photos: These were taken in 1998 with a very early non-digital electronic camera that stored images on a 2-inch floppy disk in NTSC video format. Transferring the pictures to the computer involved the use of a video capture card, so these pictures don’t look any better than frames captured from an analog camcorder.

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